Most Effective Energy Management : What You Would Need

Phil Edwards
3 min readDec 16, 2020

When we talk about isolated time management, we run the risk of falling into the sin of mechanical measurement of time. Talking in isolation means ignoring the essential catalyst of life, namely personal energy.

Your efficiently managed personal energy makes you more productive. The better your personal energy, the better you will feel, no matter what tasks you have. The tips below represent an interplay between time management, energy management and the power of concentration and will make your life considerably easier, putting your actions in order.

Hurry slowly!

Psychic perception of time is very important. When you are in a hurry, most of the time the time crisis occurs. Don’t rush if that’s not the case. Focus first, because you won’t be able to do it if you’re in a hurry.

Set your focus for the day!

The focus of the day is like a lighthouse that lights your way. Not having a focus of the day is like going at night with a car that has its headlights off. Turn on the headlights and pay attention to the main road. Landscapes can be interesting, but they can distract you and risk an accident, so you don’t get to your destination! You need to have a daily focus on one main thing, at most two or three! In the evening, check to what extent you have been focused, and the next day make greater efforts in this regard. In case of Energy Management in South Australia this is important.

It is as complicated multi-tasking computers or on behalf of others, and you do things on line. Yes, theoretically, we are looking for multi-tasking people. Basically, being multi-tasking consumes an enormous amount of energy, which turns you into an inefficient person. It is good to know how to do many things, but at the same time. To focus on one activity consumes a huge amount of energy, and by constantly disconnecting to focus on a parallel activity you will become more inefficient and waste more time. Do things one at a time and stop being proud of multi-tasking.

Shorten phone calls

You need to make sure you don’t spend more than five minutes on regular phone calls. Try to be more accurate and efficient on the phone. we monitored myself and was surprised to find that, beyond the fact that we make many calls, one day we had four calls that exceeded 30 minutes each. Summarizing the discussions, we realized that they could be summarized in no more than five minutes, but we had not had a focus on this. Many people are willing to talk, it’s up to you to manage the discussion so that they don’t eat you all day. Multiply the above 30 minutes by four calls. we spent two hours discussing things we could discuss in 20 minutes. And that means about 25% of my working time.

It checks e-mail every 15 minutes (2–3 times a day is enough).I had the stupid habit of sitting with the email open and checking it every five minutes. Basically, we wasted one out of five minutes, or 20% of my time. In addition, an email arrived, we was reading it, we didn’t have time to reply, we marked it to reply later. The problem was not that we was reading it, but that we had to reread it when we wanted to answer it to remember exactly. That’s how we ended up reading the e-mails we had to reply to twice. If we had 10 emails a day in this situation and allocated for every 5–6 minutes, 15% of my time would go by due to the fact that we was unnecessarily repeating a simple task. Set a maximum time interval of two hours and then allow 10 minutes to respond to all emails.It is best to check your email only once a day and spend 30 minutes on it. It may seem like an exaggeration to do this only once a day, but you can try. However, more than twice do not open your e-mail because you may wake up in the evening doing nothing.

